Blog: Articles, Interviews & Events

Dr. Barbara Shor Webinar for HA! (Holistic Actions)
March 21, 2024/by Barbara Shor
Animal Communicator and Healer Summit, October 23-27
October 9, 2023/by Barbara Shor
Janean Strong Interviews Barbara Shor for “Keepin it Real”
August 17, 2023/by Barbara Shor
Dr. Donna DeBonis Interviews Dr. Barbara Shor
August 17, 2023/by Barbara Shor
Dan Wahpepah Interviews Barbara Shor for First Nations Radio
August 17, 2023/by Barbara Shor
Slideshows from Africa
June 22, 2022/by Barbara Shor
Podcast Launched
May 14th!
May 21, 2022/by Barbara Shor
She Turns Fallen Deer into Trophies of Science
November 23, 2021/by Barbara Shor
Arun Mathur Interviews Barbara Shor
October 28, 2021/by Barbara Shor
Dr. Ernie Ward Interviews Dr. Barbara Shor for “Veterinary Viewfinder” Podcast
August 28, 2021/by Barbara Shor
Soul of the Wild – reprinted from ONE Magazine
January 8, 2013/by Barbara Shor
Message from Pegaso, a Lusitano white horse
March 8, 2012/by Barbara Shor
Tilikum and Dawn: Beyond Appearances ©
March 8, 2012/by Barbara Shor
Drs. Goodall and Dolittle, My Heroes
March 8, 2012/by Barbara ShorContact
Barbara Shor, DVM
Ashland, Oregon
Barbara’s Book
The photos on this site are my own, reflecting aspects of my personal journey with animals. All have deep meaning for me and hold wonderful memories. I hope you enjoy them!