Soul of the Wild Book II: The Wisdom of Elephants is a collection of profound spiritual conversations between Barbara and the group consciousness of Elephants. Their wisdom and compassion provide hope for the future.
Elephants are amazing creatures and The Wisdom of Elephants shows who they are and what they know, from their point of view.
Intimate conversations between the author and the group consciousness of Elephants address topics such as:
- their mission on Earth
- love of family
- their perceptions about humans
- infrasonic sounds
- pain and death
- climate change
- and many more
Elephants have been wise spiritual teachers for Barbara, and The Wisdom of Elephants is about their journey together as they explore the mysteries of life on Earth. The Wisdom of Elephants can give us hope during this time of profound change.
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Praise for Soul of the Wild Book II:
The Wisdom of Elephants
With her history as an animal behavior researcher and wildlife veterinarian, Barbara Shor has experience and an appreciation of animals in many ways. But now, as an animal communicator, she brings a whole new depth of understanding to the table. In this book Barbara shares deeply intimate conversations with the group soul of Elephants. These wise, compassionate, emotional beings share spiritual concepts that give light to an entirely unique perception of life. Elephants have served as spiritual teachers for Barbara, showing her ways of viewing the world that are engaging, enlightening, and expansive. This book is a compilation of profound conversations between Barbara and the consciousness of Elephants, addressing topics of relevancy in today’s world. Topics such as the Elephants’ mission on Earth, who they are as physical animals as well and spiritual beings, how they perceive their relationship with human beings, dealing with pain and death, love of family, and climate change. The Elephants, as well as other animals, want to work with humanity in order to heal us all and create a world of love, peace, and harmony. Their positive, loving perspective can give us all hope during these turbulent times.
Posted on GoodReads
This beautifully written book offers us a doorway into the profound spiritual wisdom of elephants.
A must read for those who desire a more compassionate, peaceful and just world.
Jamee Bender
Posted on Amazon
As a beginner animal communicator, I love this book. Anyone who has spent time with elephants will appreciate not just their intelligence, but deep empathy.
Chris Voets
Posted on Amazon
The Original Soul of the Wild Edition is Still Available
Soul of the Wild: Intimate Messages from the Hearts and Souls of Elephants and Whales is a compilation of telepathic soul-level conversations between Barbara Shor, DVM and the group consciousness of elephants and whales. Topics such as their purpose on Earth at this time, how they view human beings, what they need and want, their perspectives on pain, death, and living a happy, healthy life, and many other fascinating subjects are explored. Their primary message is one of hope and a love of life. Ultimately, they are spiritual teachers asking us all to work with them to restore peace and harmony on planet Earth.
Praise for“Soul of the Wild, Intimate Messages
from the Hearts and Souls of Elephants and Whales”
“I can’t emphasize enough how enthralled I was when reading about your interaction with the elephants and whales. I didn’t skip a word! It was wonderful to find myself introduced to new concepts. For instance, of course the chaotic and discordant atmosphere that we humans have created must affect other lives such as that of the elephants, but I just hadn’t considered that and am grateful to you for bringing up the subject. It was also wonderful to find confirmation of my own attunements, as when I first attuned to an orca, it intimated that when it passed by anything when swimming, there was an energy exchange.
I so agree and love the explanation the animals gave of dealing with our human difficulties, that we find the answers and help within, that everything is about an opening to a higher consciousness. As you know, my passion is that people become aware of and act from their own inner divinity, which your messages also keep repeating if in a slightly different way, and that they recognize and cooperate with the intelligence of nature.
Thank you for presenting a great many ideas, like the importance of migration, of groupness, of how we can help caged animals by sending love and appreciation, that only love and understanding can solve violence, that earth’s evolution needs humans, that we need to accept both positive and negative, the explanation of self doubt, etc. etc. Also, I greatly appreciate how you insist on asking questions until you “get it”, so to speak.
The wonderful truths in this book, as communicated from the elephants and whales, are tremendous aids for us humans to find truth and joy within ourselves, to help us deal with our problems, and learn to love all life. What a blessing this book is!
Thank you, thank you for birthing this book.”
Dorothy Maclean
author of To Honor the Earth, Choices of Love, Wisdoms, To Hear the Angels Sing, and co-founder of Findhorn Foundation
“We live in times of great change. It often seems that our world is being besieged by tsunamis, earthquakes, wild storms and climate change, yet on a heart/soul level we learn that all is in order. Reading through the enchanting pages of SOUL OF THE WILD you will see the world from a different viewpoint, and you will realize that the animals have a very different outlook on earth changes than the ones commonly believed by humanity. As we enter new times, it is books like this by Barbara Shor that will help open human consciousness to the truth of change.”
Michael J. Roads
author of: Talking with Nature, Journey into Nature, Journey into Oneness, Into a Timeless Realm; Through the Eyes of Love, Journeying with Pan book series
“This book is glorious not only in its content, but also in its feel. Barbara has brought forth clear and compelling communications from the great elephants and whales that helps us, as humanity, to connect with other species in a way that brings us deeply into their world and wisdom. Her questions are universal and speak to all of our concerns and we can relate to her personal quest for these profound answers to life and our relationship with all. I highly recommend that you take this journey of discovery … you will love it!”
Trish Regan
author of Essential Joy and Co-founder of Dolphin Spirit of Hawaii (
“When we are in communion with other animals, we establish a mode of communication that is non-ordinary, not of our everyday mode of consciousness, with its rational, conditioned expectations and preconceptions. The late Prof. Konrad Lorenz, Nobel laureate and one of the founders of the science of ethology, the study of animal behavior, asserted that “Before you can really study an animal you must first love it”. It is this kind of love, as Dr. Shor reveals in this book, that can open us to the animal kingdom, species by species, and individual by individual.
As Chief Dan George advised, ‘If you talk to the animals, they will talk with you, and you will know each other. If you do not talk to them, you will not know them, and what you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys.’”
Dr. Michael W. Fox
Veterinarian, Ethologist (Animal Behaviorist), syndicated columnist author of The Boundless Circle, Dog Body, Dog Mind, and Cat Body, Cat Mind
“I read the entire book in two sittings. I couldn’t put it down! As a Science of Mind practitioner, my soul resonated with every word in your book. We truly are all one, and hearing it from the perspective of the elephants and whales was truly a consciousness shifting and awareness uplifting experience.”
June Clayton
Science of Mind practitioner, retired court reporter
“This is an extraordinary and timely book as we reconnect to the Nature Kingdoms recognizing the importance of working together for the sake of the planet. Through the author’s personal dedication and intuitive gifts, we are gifted with profound messages from the whales and elephants. We learn of their love for mankind and their commitment to balance the energetic fields of consciousness so that we can all evolve together.”
Christine Page, MD
Mystical Physician:
author of The Mystery of 2012, Spiritual Alchemy, and The Mirror of Existence
“Okay, so you know how the universe operates… I started reading your book, and immediately I am surrounded by pictures, statues, TV programs, and all manner of references to elephants and whales. They’re EVERYWHERE! I guess they want me to pay attention, huh? Anyway, I love the book.”
Jean Hofve, DVM
Holistic Veterinarian, Reiki Master
retired editor in chief of the Journal of the AHVMA (American Holistic Veterinary Association);
founder of Spirit Essences-the first and only line of flower essences designed by a veterinarian,;
and cofounder of – informational website on feline health, behavior, and nutrition